Newton’s 3rd Law, Reaction Force

dream World robotics game coding class - newton 3rd law

Note about Newton’s 3rd Law, Reaction Force Mini Game (PC)

Today, let’s have the third lesson on science and physic.  Again, we have invited Newton to show you his third law of montion, reaction force. Here is just a brief explanation of his 3rd law, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction force. When an object A exerts a force on object B, then object B must exert a force of equal magnitude and opposite direction back on object A. This law represents a certain symmetry in nature: forces always occur in pairs, and one body cannot exert a force on another without experiencing a force itself. That is why rocket is lifted into the space. Let’s play and find out the physic lay behind. We will have the forth chapter soon from Newton, stay in tune. Try it yourself. Hope you all like it too.

Instruction of the Game

This is a PC (computer) Newton’s  3rd law, reaction force game and It is very easy to navigate.

You just need to PRESS ANY KEY on your KEYBOARD to start the game. And then use below keys to navigate your Newton character:

A key – newton move left
D key – newton move right
Newton must touch the rocket to operate the rocket.
Left arrow – rocket turn left
Right arrow – rocket turn right
SPACE key – rocket move forwards (thrust)
You must help newton to reach MOON, in order to win the game.

Let’s start the game and enjoy flying.

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Click on this button to go to our Newton’s Reaction Force Game (PC):

Newton's F=-f game (pc)

Instruction of the Game

This is a PC (computer) Newton’s  3rd law, reaction force game and It is very easy to navigate.

You just need to PRESS ANY KEY on your KEYBOARD to start the game. And then use below keys to navigate your Newton character:

A key – newton move left
D key – newton move right
Newton must touch the rocket to operate the rocket.
Left arrow – rocket turn left
Right arrow – rocket turn right
SPACE key – rocket move forwards (thrust)
You must help newton to reach MOON, in order to win the game.

Let’s start the game and enjoy flying.

If you like our projects, please support us by liking and favorating our facebook and game channels. Thank you.

Click on this button to go to our Newton’s Reaction Force Game (PC):

Newton's F=-f game (pc)