Music Graphical Clip v1.0

Dream World Robotics Game Coding Class - music graphical v1.0 poster

Note about Music Graphical Clip (PC)

This is NOT A GAME. It is a simple project to show the coding of an animated colourful graphical clip for music player. In this case, we are using Mozart’s Eine Kleine NachtMuzik for you to enjoy. See back and enjoy. Hope you all like it.

Instruction of the Game

This is a PC (computer) animation clip (NOT A GAME) and It is very easy to navigate.

You just need to PRESS ANY KEY on your KEYBOARD to start the animation of this Music Graphical Clip.

If you like our projects, please support us by liking and favorating our facebook and game channels. Thank you.

Click on this button to go to our Music Graphical Clip v1.0 (PC):

Music Graphical v1.0 (PC)

Instruction of the Game

This is a PC (computer) animation clip (NOT A GAME) and It is very easy to navigate.

You just need to PRESS ANY KEY on your KEYBOARD to start the animation of this Music Graphical Clip.

If you like our projects, please support us by liking and favorating our facebook and game channels. Thank you.

Click on this button to go to our Music Graphical Clip v1.0 (PC):

Music Graphical v1.0 (PC)