The Smart Home – Puppy Robot
presented by Aiden Teoh Sheng Deng
The Smart Home, Puppy Robot
Presented by (Student Name): Aiden Teoh Sheng Deng
Robot Name: The Puppy Robot
Building Concept: Connection of controller, gear motor, servo motor and remote controlled by smart phone.
Function: The puppy robot can be controlled by smart phone to move left, right, forwards and backwards with speech recognition or simple touch on the screen.
Information Robotic Pet
Robotic pet is an artificial intelligence machine made in the image of an animal commonly kept as a pet. There are a variety of robotic pets such as dogs, cats, and birds.
In the beginning creation of these robotic pets, it was created for lonely people. However nowadays, this robot also received affection and attention like actual animal.
In Japan, there are some robot pet owner hold funerals for their robotic dogs because they believe these pets have soul.