The Light Bulb Inventor – Thomas Edison
presented by Lai Chong Han
The Great Inventor, Thomas Edison
Presented by (Student Name): Lai Chong Han
Robot Name: The Light Bulb Robot
Building Concept: Connection of switch, battery and light bulb.
Function: The light bulb will turn on when the switched is turned on.
Thomas Edison Story
Thomas Edison was born in February 1847 and died in October 1931. During his childhood, he had scarlet fever and ear infections left him with hearing difficulties and nearly deaf.
He was a hyperactive child and so he attended school only for a few months and was instead taught by his mother. He used to sell newspapers, candy and vegetable on the railroads, He even printed and sold his own newspaper, called the Grand Trunk Herald.
Edison made the first public demonstration of his incandescent light bulb on December 31, 1879.