The Vehicle World – Helicopter
presented by Lim Chloe
The Vehicle World, Helicopter
Presented by (Student Name): Lim Chloe
Robot Name: The Helicopter Robot
Building Concept: Connection of controller and 2 gear motor.
Function: The helicopter will turn their blades when the controller switch on.
Information Helicopter
A helicopter is a kind of flying machine or aircraft. Helicopter is useful for tourism, medical transport, and military activities.
It lifts up off of the ground and moves because of rotors. Helicopter has one main rotor and one smaller rotor in the tail. A rotor is several small wings, called rotor blades, that spin together around a shaft.
A helicopter flies differently from an airplane. An airplane must move forward to stay in the air, but the helicopter’s rotor blades are always moving, the helicopter can stop and stay in one place above the ground.