The Vehicle World – Cargo Train
presented by Liew Jun Yeat
The Vehicle World, Cargo Train
Presented by (Student Name): Liew Jun Yeat
Robot Name: The Cargo Train Robot
Building Concept: Connection of controller, 2 gear motor and 2 IR sensor.
Function: The train will move following the black line of platform by using IR sensor to detect the black line.
Information Cargo Train
Train is one of public transports consisting a series of connected vehicles. It runs along a rail track to transport passengers. The word “train” comes from Latin word means “to pull”.
Trains can be powered by a variety of energy sources such as steam, diesel and electricity.Train is mostly used to travel for long-distance. It is because using train is low-cost compared to other public and private transportation.
Compared with road transports, a train carries many people and releases little air pollution.