The First Man On Moon Inventor – Neil Armstrong
presented by Tengku Syafi Furqan & Muhammad Adha
The First Man On Moon Inventor, Neil Armstrong
Presented by (Student Name): Tengku Syafi Furqan & Muhammad Adha
Robot Name: The Space Explorer Robot
Building Concept: Connection of controller and gear motor.
Function: The space explorer robort will detect the black line to move forwards, left or right.
Neil Armstrong Story
Neil Armstrong was born in August 1930 and died in August 2012. He was the eldest of three children. Neil’s passion for aviation and flight was kindled when he took his first airplane ride at age 6.
He became a licensed pilot on his 16th birthday and a naval air cadet in 1947. He studies in aeronautical engineering at Purdue University. He completed his degree in 1955 and immediately became a civilian research pilot for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), later the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
He flew more than 1100 hours, testing various supersonic fighters as well as the X-15 rocket plane. In March 16, 1966, Armstrong, as command pilot of Gemini 8, and David R. Scott met with Agena rocket and completed the first manual space docking maneuver. On July 16, 1969, Armstrong, along with Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., and Michael Collins, blasted off in the Apollo 11 vehicle towards the Moon.