The Gravity Inventor – Isaac Newton
presented by Lim Holden
The Great Inventor, Isaac Newton
Presented by (Student Name): Lim Holden
Robot Name: The Apple Falling
Building Concept: Illustration of apple falling to indicate the existence of gravity.
Function: Apple fall from tree.
Isaac Newton was born in Jan 1642 and died in Mar 1727. Isaac Newton was a premature baby; and small enough to fit inside a quart sized cup; and whose chances of survival were dim.
In 1687, his famous book Principia Mathematica explained the three laws of motion that laid the framework for modern physics. The most popular anecdote about Isaac Newton is the story of how the theory of gravitation came to him, after being hit on the head with a falling apple.
Legend has it that a young Issac Newton was sitting under an apple tree when he was bonked on the head by a falling piece of fruit, a 17th-century “aha moment” that prompted him to suddenly come up with his law of gravity.