How STEM Process help?

Dream World Robotics STEM Process

In previous posts, we have explored the foundation of What is STEM, STEM importance, STEM could benefits our next generation and its model. Today we are going to find out how to carry our STEM process that could really help your children. Before we dive into this topic, let’s review the core belief of STEM.

STEM is a foundation of integration at its core and each curricular area should be taught with inquiry, collaboration and process-based learning environment.

Now let’s the STEM Process together:

STEM Process = Investigate + Discover + Connect + Create + Reflect

  1. INVESTIGATE – In the beginning stage, students are encourage to explore on topics, ideas or problems in a specific area of focus. For instance, currently we are having a project for our students in The Dream Makers Channel (which is under production now. once it is released you may follow our channel). The students are guided to discuss on a topic. The first project is regarding to Presentation. And students are encouraged to think widely in this topic of presentation, such as all problems with presentation. Then they would narrow into a specific piece of issue. Finally, the students would choose an issue and begin to move into the discovery stage, and think about an essential issue they would lie to solve.
  2. DISCOVER – During this stage, we will create a mapping for the chosen idea or problem. In this case, our students are required to inquire of the chosen topic with open questions. This session will open up the students imagination and discussion on the issue. Of course, the focus of the discuss will be on the causes of the selected problem and reason for solving the problem or benefits.
  3. CONNECT – After the chosen topic is mapped out and every students are clear on the objective or solution, students are guided to try to relate or connect the solution with two or multiple disciplines, such as science, technology, engineering or math. In our project on Presentation Problem, our students choose to relate the presentation to an automated customer service robot (science and technology) that could present to solve the problem. Bear in mind, there is no right or wrong answer here, since our goal is to bring out inquiry, collaboration and process-based learning environment, everything is possible. In other words, they are leaded to explore into subjects of computer science and technology.
  4. CREATE – Once the chosen subjects for solution is ready, simple lessons of the selected subjects can be introduced to students for exploration. Students will be guided with simple features and concept on how things work together. In our case, students is guided thru simple coding concept (If Else logic), mechanical structural construction with the integration of IoT (internet of Thing) in order to solve the problem. Then the students are encourage to trial and error to create a solution that best solve the selected problem.
  5. REFLECT – Once students have moved through the lesson and completed their project or assignment, they will be given a valuable time to experience the outcome physically. Then they will guided thru a positive reflection session to review and critique their own work among their peers. Lastly, teachers and facilitators must walk thru those defined simple lessons learned in the project.

The process seems like difficult, but what really your children will experience is fun and exciting. What do you think? Let’s see what we have experienced with the kids. It is really really fun.

Lastly, we will rap up this topic with the ultimate outcomes of STEM education, let’s see what we have in next post.